Heartitude is simply a heart attitude. Attitude as we all know is a manner of behavior towards an object, person, or situation Heartitude is also the posture of your heart towards every area of your life. Proverbs 4:23 “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts” Nothing can literally be done without the heart, nothing, your heart is the seat of emotions that controls most of the activities we carry out on a daily basis and even how we deal with people. The reaction of people is from the overflow of their hearts. And that’s what God searches for the most. There a story of a young man that I love so much. This young man was about the age of 17. He was the youngest of his father’s children, you know how last borns can run errands shey? My last born is a typical example, we send them to places we ourselves can’t go, they run the unusual errands. So, this young man was always sent to look after his father’s flocks, while, his other brothers do the adult ...