Heartitude is simply a heart attitude. Attitude as we all know is a manner of behavior towards an object, person, or situation

Heartitude is also the posture of your heart towards every area of your life. Proverbs 4:23 “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts” Nothing can literally be done without the heart, nothing, your heart is the seat of emotions that controls most of the activities we carry out on a daily basis and even how we deal with people. The reaction of people is from the overflow of their hearts. And that’s what God searches for the most.

There a story of a young man that I love so much. This young man was about the age of 17. He was the youngest of his father’s children, you know how last borns can run errands shey? My last born is a typical example, we send them to places we ourselves can’t go, they run the unusual errands. So, this young man was always sent to look after his father’s flocks, while, his other brothers do the adult stuff. This boy was so diligent in taking care of his fathers’ sheep that he would even take his flute along and play songs and worship God. He had such a beautiful heart that I’m sure that God always enjoy his errand time.

One day, there was an urgency in the kingdom to fill an earthly position, because of the urgency, there was no form of interview or preparation, it was an immediate position and so was the appointment. The prophet was instructed to carry a flask of oil to appoint and anoint the young boy as king immediately. As the prophet got to the house of this young man, he met his brothers and he was really excited to see them because of how they looked and he knew that they were perfect for the position he was looking for,  but right then God rebuked him and said to him that “Man looks outward, but God searches the heart” and He said to him” none of these men fit the role, there is one more person”. Then the prophet asked the father, who else is not around among your children and He replied that the youngest of his son has gone shepherding the flocks and the prophet said they would wait for him till he gets back and when he got back, he stood up and anointed him. He was the man for the job because he had a heart for the job even though he was the youngest.

The story above might sound familiar but it relates to all of us in our daily lives. Your heart posture is what gives you the result of what you have and what you desire. No one sees the heart, only God does but then the result you see on the outside is a result of your heart. It’s so quick for us to think our heart is right until we see our friend or neighbor or family doing better than us and doing the same thing we are doing and we begin to feel a bit of jealousy or think that there’s nothing special about them and yet they are getting the result.

Recently, my friend said to me “Tolu, you can preach about love and not have the heart posture for love” Your heart speaks faster than your actions. If you think that through your actions you would show who you really are, then time would reveal the true nature of your heart when issues really happens.

To go really far in life and in God, one major ingredient that cannot be missed is your heart posture. There is a place in the Bible that always struck me, it says of Josiah that He did everything right according to the law of Moses. He lived every law; he did all the rites according to the law of Moses; he was an upright man. He didn’t break one law, yet He was not the man after God's own heart, and yet, David, a man who broke almost all the laws was regarded as a man after his own heart. Incredible!!!

Friends, it’s no joke that this heart posture is the secret to our flight in life, if you want to walk, live through actions, but, if you want to fly, live through your heart, setting your heart posture right and you don’t have to be overwhelmed about getting it right. The Holy Spirit is always your plug, to help you adjust your heart posture even when you derail.

Don’t sleep on this, read more about it, pray about your heart, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. This is the only secret to fly faster and early in life.

God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways— the path that brings me back to you. (Psalms 139:23-24 TPT)

Till I write to you again, guard your heart diligently.

Don’t forget to comment and share.

All my love.






  1. Ehn🙆🙆 the right heart posture. Lord my heart is yours 🙌🙌


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