Hello family, You all are family to me now. I always feel happy, blessed and obligated writing to you, so I ensure I give you the best of myself. I want to start a series called heart diaries with Tolu. Here I get to express myself, share my intimate personal journey with you, and bring you into my space. Today I want to share with you my topmost values in life. Values are beliefs that we hold unto dearly that sharpens our life and affects our daily actions. I would share my 3 topmost values. SPIRITUALITY. This is like my core. If you are looking to get my personal attention and energy, just involve me in conversations about God or any “God” vibe. I’m always in. I also ensure I drive most of my conversations towards God. I love Him so much; I am an addict worshipper. One of the best ways to see my crying is when I’m in a place of worship. Just saying thank you Jesus gets me teary. I get teary easily when in His presence. My uttermost prayer is to live like Jesus lived. I pr...