I am the second child of four. growing up, I visited the hospital more than any of my siblings, I took the most injections. I became so used to injections that they no longer need to hold me. I just stay still and allow the nurse to perform her duties. I became the doctors’ friend because of how I frequently visited the hospital. Each time he sees me, he says to me, my friend, you are here again…lol…


I just had different ailments per time, sometimes it was malaria, another time it was typhoid, another time my PCV was low, another time it was a skin reaction that requires that I take injections for close to 21days. I remember that I was also allergic to dust, smoke, and cold. I had catarrh so often that it became part of me, coupled with the difficulty in breathing and within days I would have grown lean because of the effect of the cold and difficulty in breathing. Drugs and injections were my second food and the hospital became my second home. Despite this, I still had an amazing childhood because of my beautiful family. Growing up was fun trust me, even though I had health challenges.

When I got into the university, it was a prerequisite for every newbie to run a comprehensive test with the university’s health Centre. It was when I had my scan, they discovered I had chronic Pneumonia. I was scared, I was immediately referred to the state hospital because the university health Centre could not handle me. I was given drugs as usual and I was given precautions which I strictly adhered especially because my home was far from the school.
I remembered my first Pneumonia attack in the university, my roommates were not around, but thanks to my lodge mates. They quickly came to my rescue and got me drugs to calm me down. I kept managing my health until one day when I went home and my pastor preached on trusting God for healing, He said he once had Tuberculosis and he had to choose between staying in the hospital or returning to the pulpit to preach and he held unto to the word of God and he was healed. I was touched by the message and I held unto the word.


As I got home, it was like the devil was waiting for me, lol. I had my usual pneumonia attack, the attack came in the night when everyone had gone to bed, I had to choose between holding to the word I heard in church or call my family so they can take me to the hospital. So instead, I stayed in my room, groaned in pain, couldn’t breathe and I said if God could heal my pastor, he could heal me. I used the little strength I’ve got left to get a bottle of water and prayed into it, I spoke to the water that it ceases to be ordinary water but it becomes the blood of Jesus, I then drank from it and poured the remaining on my head. I felt a bit better. I kept doing that until I was better. I was then able to sleep around 6am. The attack started around 1am and subsided around 6am. It was one of the longest nights of my life. By morning, I was better and as the days went by, I fully recovered.

I thought I had a complete victory until I had another attack in my 400level 1st semester exam. I struggled to write the exams and went home with my friend, on getting to her house, I decided to pass the night, at midnight again, the attack became very severe, I didn’t even have the strength to talk, I was just crying and I was breathing through my mouth. I thought this was my last night on earth. My friend was worried but I told her to calm down. I kept confessing the scripture that says “By his stripes, I was healed” and that Jesus said “It is Finished”. All of a sudden, I had sudden boldness, I just stood up from the bed, with so much pain and agony, I was crying, it felt like I saw the devil face to face, I faced the darkness in my room and warfare with my words. I said to him (devil) that he failed, Jesus rose up and He gave me the victory already, so he got no grip on me. I was saying this with tears and pain. My friend was just looking at me. It felt like I had physical warfare, by the time I was done, I was drained and I was weak but I felt better. So, I slept and I was refreshed by morning. And my pastor sent me this scripture after I narrated my ordeal to him. 

Ecclesiastes 3:14 AMPC “I know that whatever God does, it endures forever; nothing can be added to it nor anything was taken from it. And God does it so that men will [reverently] fear Him [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is]”

I kept confessing the word. I thought this was the last time I would see this. But here is something I noticed, after the first attack, I had more boldness and confidence to get my complete healing. You don’t become what you don’t practice.
And then, August 2015, the devil tried again, this time around I didn’t even bother to pray. I acted like nothing was wrong with me. I even swept the house. I just recited the Ecclesiastes 3: 14 and gave thanks. I didn’t even stress myself at all.

That was the last time I had anything called Pneumonia. It's almost 5 years now and I’ve been healthy.


I know God is not a man that He should lie if he Has said it in His word and it exactly as He has said it, all the miracles he did in the Bible was real and true, the devil would always want to afflict us with sickness or challenge us to think otherwise but we have the confidence of the word. The word is final and it is living. But the choice is left to us to choose to walk in the reality of the victory or to follow the affliction of the devil.

All you need is your FAITH in the WORD. Yours might not be healing, it might be a situation you’ve been trusting God for. I challenge you today to hold unto his word concerning whatever you are trusting God for. He has given you full authority over death, sickness, all kinds of diseases, and all situations. Search the scriptures for what looks like your situation and hold unto to it like your life depended on it. And the victory is yours because HE WON.

Psalms 34 vs 5 “They looked up to Him, there faces were radiant and they were not put to shame”.

Remember, you are a SON, access the throne as a SON, not a SLAVE. Take charge of your authority and don’t live a lesser life than a SON.
If you are trusting God for healing, I agree with you today, distance is not a barrier in the Spirit. I decree in the name of Jesus that your healing is complete and victory is yours in Jesus' name. (Amen)

Till I write to you again.

Don’t forget to comment, like, share.

All my love.



  1. God can be trusted.. Glory to God

  2. Wow, such great faith. Thank you Lord

  3. Your life indeed is a testimony,Glory to God. Refusal to let go of His spoken promises will definitely cause God's hand to move.

  4. Glory to God, by His stripes I am healed. Amen.


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