Hello fam, I know it's been like forever but I just needed to put this out here, I can't keep it to myself. 

I know I've written something similar to this before, but this experience is different. I've tried to give it another title but no other title can do justice other than God can be Trusted. 

Sometimes in 2020, when I felt led to resign my job to start Adire(I've shared the story on my blog) I didn't argue but I wasn't so sure how it was all going to turn out but I trusted the voice I heard, some months after, I had my afternoon nap which is so unlike me, I woke up and I heard in this season call me ADUNBARIN (God is sweet to walk with). I held unto that name like I knew no other name, I used it to pray, used it on my status, it soon became my mantra. 

Months after I got ADUNBARIN, things became very tough, I was broke, I didn't know how to go about the Adire Business, I had never done it before, didn't know whether to go into casuals, fabrics or sewing but one thing I was sure of was that God was with me, I then began to have sudden passion for Adire, I began to make sales, I got referrals from friends and family. I started to see God's hand. 

By 2021, I was more confident about my Adire Business, I began to have clients in Europe, US.. I got opportunity to be part of some international programs that gave me exposure and increased my knowledge, by this time my love for African culture, art and tourism had increased. I just wanted to play my part in African fashion, I decided to host Adire Festival, the largest gathering of Adire Stakeholders in Africa.. It was a great event... I saw my Adunbarin at work as we spent heavenly currency to make the event a success, major sponsors pulled out but God showed up with the gift of men from every side. 

After the Adire Festival in December 2021,I decided to retreat, on my retreat, The Lord told me to hold unto the names He has given me in the previous year that, it would be my weapon of warfare, and that He would be also be my Prince of peace 

From my walk with God I've come to understand that when there's a promise, there's a test coming. I got back from my retreat and voila the storm came, I got into some wrong money transactions that ended in debt, business wasn't going well , bills were piling, the conviction I had for the business waved me Good bye, I got into a wrong relationship, I was messed up, didn't know what do or what next, I was a living shadow of myself, I had no fire, I couldn't pray very fervently, I didn't want know how to ask for help or who to ask from, cried to bed most of the time. 

One day, I woke up at midnight and I sat to have a conversation with God .. I said "Abba, I'm tired, I trust you, you are my Adunbarin, I don't understand what's go going on but I trust you, I know you can't wreck my life, your thoughts towards me are thoughts of good and not of evil, you have said you would watch over me least I dash my foot against a stone,you do not sleep nor slumber, help me Lord, I trust you Lord, I trust you Adunbarin ". I said this with tears flowing freely from my eyes after I was done I slept great. 

Woke up with the scripture 'But there is a spirit within people, the breath of the Almighty within them, that makes them intelligent' 

Job 32:8 NLT. Some days after, I had a dream God walked in my room in form of my pastor, he sat on the chair in my room and said "Tolulope, what I have given you in this season is your business, I've blessed it, go back to it" I said but Lord I'm in debt, how do I even start, He said Start however way and He blessed the business again and I woke up. 

My customers in that month paid me in foreign currencies, I started to settle the debt I could, and then exhibition doors began to open and I embraced it. Everytime i have a road block, I say Lord I trust you because I know you can't wreck my life, when I don't understand anything I said God I trust you, you can't wreck my life, my debt got settled, all of it. Business picked up again, and I said to God, Lord I'm tired of Nigeria exhibition experience, I want to tour Africa. And this scripture dropped in my heart ' It is God who causes us to will and do of his good pleasures' I knew right there, it was God telling me its time to go to African nations,immediately I went on Google and I searched for African tour operators, called the numbers there and began making enquiries, the more I made calls, the more excited I became. 

You won't always get the clear picture of what to do next but each time there is a prompting in your heart, feed it,Google is your best friend, check things affiliated to the promptings you got, this would give you more insight, let your subconscious be familiar with the promptings, the more you expand on it, the more your mind will get curious to know more, the more answers you get, the more breakthroughs. The more I searched about African countries, the more excited I became and my desire to explore became stronger. 

Some days after, I was scrolling on Instagram and I saw this flyer on African Fashion Reception in Ethiopia, immediately I saw it, I knew I wanted to, I registered and guess the criteria? I must have exhibited least 5 times in the year, I started to choose which to put down because as at then I had done over 7 exhibitions within the space of 4 months. I checked the cost to attend and exhibit, I didn't have the complete funds but I made up my mind and I began the process. It was a long process, so many obstacles but I stood on God can be Trusted and believed all things would work in my favour. I spent my Faith and God came through all the times even to the smallest things like helping me with my luggage from the airport to the point that I became everyone's favorite. 

On getting to Ethiopia, I realised God has orchestrated the journey before I came, the exhibition was a bait into something bigger than me, I found favor in the sight of everyone, doors opened to other African countries, I had new love for Africa, her people and her giftings, I met amazing people that I connected with on a deeper level. I had different encounters that solidified my Faith even more and then I came to the conclusion again that God can be Trusted, He doesn't lie. Truly his ways are not our ways. I wanted an exhibition but instead God wanted to give me a new image of Himself and His power. 

The dream life you are anticipating to have can be found in your obedience and diligence to following God. Ask Abraham, how can a journey of leave your father's land and I would take you to the place I would show you, to making him become the father of Faith and father of many generations. The choice is yours either to go through the faith journey or go through the hustle. The faith journey is also a rough one but this is something I can guarantee God is with you, you are not alone. 

Friends, our journey is definitely not the same but I can assure you that God can be Trusted.. HOLD UNTO HIS WORD LIKE YOU KNOW NOTHING ELSE. Don't have options to the word he has given to you. You can use it for anything, believe and act on the promptings and instructions and see how your life would transform inside out. The physical manifestations are not always immediate but be rest assured that each time you believe his word, you are telling your subconscious that God's word his final. 

Say this prayer with me.. Lord Jesus, I thank you for being so kind to me I thank you for every journey you have made me go through, Lord Jesus today I surrender my will and desire to you and I day I trust you with the Timing of my life, I truth your word over my situations, I will trust you still even when I don't see the desired results because I know that you can't wreck my life. Amen. 

Trust this blessed you? Till I write to you again.

All my love,



  1. I'm excited to read this post, infact I rushed to read it, indeed God can be trusted. Thank you for sharing this journey with us, this just made me understand that God is the light at the end of the tunnel.

  2. Of a truth God can be trusted and your life’s journey is a confirmation. I celebrate God’s faithfulness in your life and this is just the very beginning. Congratulations dear Tolulope!!!


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