The world is experiencing a “lockdown”, shutting down most of its operations and ensuring that people stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus called COVID-19. The virus has become the scare of every country in every continent. Even my 3-year-old cousin can explain what COVID-19 is about and the necessary precautions to be taken.

Throughout the world, schools, churches, businesses are experiencing this lockdown, most organizations tell their employees to work from home. The religious organization has taken its services to the internet, social media. Some businesses have completely shut down, while some are cashing out on a daily basis.

The world as we know, would never become the same again. Everyone is seeking out to digitize what they do, to some of my African folks that believe that Technology is demonic, I wonder how they would cope in this season. There are different theories flying here and there, everyone is trying to have a say in this situation, which is not a bad idea... we all should get involved but with the right mindset and knowledge.

The other day, I heard some private schools have now created learning platforms for their students to interact with their teachers and classmates. They are also given assignments and told when to submit, no more restrictions, the only restriction we have now is the restriction of the mind. They have zoom calls where the kids relate with their other classmates. I’m sure that has come to stay. This simply means parents can have their children stay at home and study in any school in the world without the need of traveling…Amazing!!!

Another interesting thing I saw during this lockdown season, is my parent church holding online services, wawu, they didn’t even think that their members are aged and would not come online, instead they believed nothing could hinder their service from holding.

There is no more excuse for learning, seminars, conferences, training can now be held online effectively. I sometimes log on to my Instagram account and I see close to 10 Instalive sessions going on at the same time. Meetings have taken a new form. No more barriers to closing off deals. Businesses can travel the world from their bedrooms without barriers... #Chillingvibes...

I can go on and on to state various examples of situations that have changed since the beginning of this lockdown. Here is my view about the world new order “ADAPTATION”

ADAPTATION according to the dictionary simply means the change or adjustment to improve something, or to make it suitable for a different situation.

ADAPTATION is the new world order, individuals, corporations, businesses that would adapt, would be the ones to thrive in this new world order, it is no longer the era of this is how we get it done. It is now the question if what can I /we do to fit into the world order.

I perceive the world has shifted from the mindset of letting us just survive, we are now in the era of thriving, the ones that are trying to survive would get swallowed up by the thriving ones.

Quick tips on what to do during this adaptation era;
  • Have a sit-down session with your mind, and ask questions of awareness. What level of awareness am I at as an individual/corporation/business?
  • Do a lot of research, read up about the last pandemic of 1918 and what they did to come out of it
  • Read up on technological advancement in this decade and the coming decade (Read up on technology forecast of two decades from now)
  • Combine the research of the previous pandemic with the result of the technological forecast
  • Ask a lot of questions have a strategy session with yourself /staff/team
  • Engage the Holy Spirit, to show you how you need to position
  • ADJUST yourself to the new mindset
  • Don’t force the change, just position yourself/business appropriately.

You have any more tips? Hit me in the comment session. Let us rub minds together.

Thank you for reading, trust you were inspired? Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe and share.

Lots of love.



  1. Combine previous pandemic research with recent ones. This is so true!

  2. Thank you dearie for always cheering me on

  3. Apt!!! It is always educative, insightful and worth reading!!


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