Eureka” not one of my favorite word, in fact, I don’t think I have engaged it in a sentence before, not that I do not know the meaning, it’s just not one of my regular words.

Dictionary meaning of EUREKA is “I have found it” or triumphant discovery

My Eureka moment wasn’t just a moment guys, it was a journey.
Every one of us, at one point or the other, would always be in search of something. It could be love, business breakthrough, financial freedom, etc.

My journey of EUREKA started in 2019, I entered into the year with the theme “ My year of new things”, I was very positive about the year, I wanted a new job, a higher pay, I had goals to travel out of the country for vacation, I had bucket lists I wanted to tick off, I had plans to spoil my family and a lot more. By May 2019, I had not achieved any of my goals for the year, again, my phone of two months got stolen, goosshh, I was pained and angrier I had not achieved anything on my bucket lists, I had not changed my job, my status was still the same, so I began to question myself what I was doing wrong, I decided to sit with the Holy Spirit (my pathway finder, my best friend, my approcco partner). I started to ask him questions about the promises the father had given me earlier in the year. Instead of giving me answers, He started to open my heart to more fellowship with the father.

He started to put a hunger in my heart, hunger for the kingdom, hunger for a deeper walk with the Father. I started to look forward to public holidays not because it was an opportunity to rest but it was an opportunity to spend more time with my father. I noticed my motive started to change, I started to transform from within, my agenda changed, the Father gave me a new heart, a heart that would not focus on my desires alone but a heart that longs to do what the father desires.

Fast forward to October 2019, trust me, I was amazed at my spiritual growth, I didn’t even care about my goals anymore instead I understood the season of life I was at in the books of my father. I began to align my path to what he really wanted me to do. I remember one of the things he told me was “Tolu I want to create a new you, I want to give you a new beginning” It was then I understood my theme for the year (My year of new things).

By November 2019, which was my birth month, I perceived a shift coming to my life. but I didn’t know how to get hold of It completely. One of the things he told me was that I was entering my season of Exponential, and when I googled exponential, it was like a result that doesn’t make sense because of the higher power of multiplication. And right then, I knew I needed help because I really wanted to experience this exponential. I started to register for different trainings, I exhausted my savings, I remember I went for a conference by Jimi Tewe Themed Exponential ...  The conference was an eye-opener for me but then I knew I needed more help to fully experience this exponential “thing “and I found 1% club by Olori Boye Ajayi.

I started 1% coaching program on the 1st December 2019.

By February 2020, I felt I had done like 9 months in just three months, my mind was continually been rinsed, my mind had shifted, goosh…  I loved the shift, it even changed my appearance, my countenance. Guys, if you notice I didn’t mention to you again about the goals I started my 2019 with, the change of job, the vacation and all... I realized they were not the important things at the moment, and then the impatient nature of man came upon me and I remember sending my coach a mail. I said to her “ Olori, I feel stuck” and she replied, “ You are not stuck, you are just impatient”… Chai, the response sent a cold chill to my spine, I just became gentle and I decided to just lay low, continue my process and trust my coach more.

My impatience came from the knowledge that I had grown so much in the space of months and I wanted results and financial rewards like ASAP. I did not want to wait anymore; I could feel that I was closer than ever and my emotions started to play games with me. I wanted to feel the results in my hands forgetting that the most important work to be done was in my mind if I got my mind right, then, I can produce any result I desire.

I had a one-on-one with my coach and she explained my impatience to me and told me “Tolu, it takes just one day for your life to change forever, one day Tolu” and I believed her more than ever. She told me to go back to the first book she gave us on the first call when I started the coaching program.

I took in all she said and began to put them to use, I went back to the book she told me to read, it was in my moment of reading and I stumbled on the word BLUEPRINT. I decided to check its meaning and I saw that it meant to design and the Holy Spirit took me back to when I wanted to become an Architect( lol, yes oo, so many things I wanted to become then ), how architects draw plans before starting out to build. I asked the Holy Spirit. “what the blueprint of my life was…. and voila…. Came my lightbulb moment.

It was like I woke up from deep sleep, it was a moment of “all of a sudden” “I found it”, “I cracked it” I screamed…. I was happy... I felt lighter, I knew my path, I understood my brick part in the building God is building. I became so fearless in my mind. I knew nothing could stop me no more. I knew I was on the path to exploit. I knew I broke free from the mediocrity mindset and there was my EUREKA moment. I felt so fulfilled. I had the strength to do the work of becoming. Courage flooded my heart and eyes to go all out and make every dream in my heart possible. I knew my generation was liberated forever.

If you are yet to find your “EUREKA” don’t give up, keep on the journey, you are closer than never. Don’t be impatient. Trust your growth process. Seek help if you need to. Let your motive be right, listen to your promptings and obey them. Remember what my coach told me “It takes one day for a man’s life to change forever”

If you have experienced this moment of “I found it”. I congratulate you but much more, don’t let go of the memory, don’t let go of the emotions you felt when you found it, don’t let go of the power surge that flowed through you when you found it. Relish the experience always, it gives you the energy to continue even when life throws tantrums at you while building.

I hope you were inspired? Don’t forget to comment and subscribe on your way out.
Thank you for reading.

Catch ya later.

Lots of love.



  1. Great job love, I'm happy you listened and remained patient now our generation can share in your light..

  2. With more patience,prayers , obedience to your coach and the Holy spirit you will sure fulfill all aspirations in all ramifications. The Lord that has started the good works in your life will accomplished it in Jesus mighty name. Amen

  3. This is inspiring and interesting. I'm moved with it.. More wisdom....

  4. You are not stuck, you are just impatient, this is something I have had to put in deliberate effort to conquer at every stage of my life, having to put my anxiety in check always, thank you for sharing your journey and experience. Keep waxing strong.

  5. Thank you for reminding me tolu ... Thank you so much

  6. Hmmmm, good one girl,I remembered a time we were coming from the Hr book camp and you were really saying 2020 is my yeah of happening and all that ,I felt that's not it darling but no particular word to describe and give the response. But thank God you found you in Him already. Please enjoy the experience and trust me this is just the start,He wants to work on the You until the product looks like HIM, keep yielding.

    1. Thank you ma, I really appreciate your support, 2019 was my beginning. Thankful for the journey and ahead. #hugs&Kisses

  7. Wow,this is long journey am still impatient thou but I have to sit and read over and over again tolu congratulate you baby gal,thanks for making me read this

    1. Awww, thanks sweet...Don't worry, He gat you, just trust him more

  8. Thanks for this insightful piece. It makes me see I have to keep improving in whatever sphere I’m presently in..

  9. This was absolutely inspiring, thanks for sharing this experience.

  10. Hmmm. Growth is a process; Trust the process!
    Thank you for sharing Tolu

  11. This is interesting and inspiring 👍🏽


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