Process according to the dictionary is a “series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.”

Sometimes in 2017, I started believing God for a gift, I desired the gift so much that I decided to embark on a 9 days prayer, fasting and word declaration. I even dedicated a journal to praying out this gift. I wrote confessions, pasted it on my bathroom wall so that every time I’m taking my bath, I’m seeing it and I’m saying it. I believed so much in my heart that I would get the gift.

In the later part of that year (2017), I got a fraction of what I was praying for, I was super excited, I was happy like gooosh… this is working so fast. I started to rejoice, I started stewarding the testimony of the fraction I received, I knew I wanted a whole gift, not a fraction, so I still continued to trust God more for the complete gift, I thought since I had the fraction, getting the whole gift would be soon and much easy…#laughing

In 2018, the fraction I got then started to slip away, I started to blame myself that I was careless, I didn’t guard the fraction well enough, I beat myself so hard that I’m sure my heart was like “Auntie, calm down na,  it’s not the end of the world o”.. lol... At some point, I had the thought of completely letting go of even the fraction I had months back because I felt God was no longer in it, and then I went back to my journal and I remembered his promises to me. It strengthened my faith a bit, I told myself that if he could give me a fraction it means He can give me the whole.

As of May 2019, it felt like I had nothing left to hold on to, not even the fraction. I started to get worried, I started to lose faith again, In fact, I lost my faith as regards the gift…#sad… I remember the part of the scripture that says "hope deferred makes the heart weak", my heart was weak indeed. 

I remember that in August 2019, I was on my bed, crying and asking God again, “Lord, are you in this journey of me having this gift? should I still hold on and pray for it, should I forget about it completely “, I asked a lot of questions that night with tears and then He dropped in my heart Jeremiah 29 vs 10-14 in msg translation

This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
12 “When you call on me when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen.
13-14 “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.
“Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” God’s Decree.
“I’ll turn things around for you. I’ll bring you back from all the countries into which I drove you”—God’s Decree—“bring you home to the place from which I sent you off into exile. You can count on it. (Jeremiah 29 vs 10-14 MSG)

As I read it, I had peace settle in my heart and my heart started to bubble with joy, I couldn’t contain it that I started to smile, I started to dance, my faith was renewed. I had hope again, I believed more than ever and I started to act like I got the whole gift completely, I never allowed anything to discourage me. I became happy, I sometimes wrote in my gratitude journal how grateful I was to have the whole gift..lol.

I’m sure you are waiting for me to write that I have gotten the gift shey? I wish I can, but friends, I haven’t ooo, but you know the amazing thing? I have confidence that I would. I’m certain I would have my gift whole as He has promised me in His word and He doesn’t lie. He’s too faithful to fail. In fact, I have... I have my gift already, not as a fraction but as a whole...#smiling

Here is what I’ve learned and still learning.
1.       The process is always leading to a higher calling, He’s a good father that doesn’t withhold gifts, he just wants to build capacity and character in you so that when you have what you are believing for, you won’t misbehave
2.       It’s not about the end of the process, it is about who you become in the process. My waiting season has made me pray more, and get more intimate with God.
3.       It is not about the gift, it’s about the giver of the gift. Trust the giver of the gift, He would always come through.
4.       Trust the process, yes, it is long, it looks like it's not going to end shey?  The reward is always bigger than what you are actually believing for.
5.       Get a promise about the situation if you don’t have one and warfare with it because it’s your prophecy.
So, friends let's go through our process with joy. The process may take forever but it is always worth the wait.

Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord.[f]Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you! (Psalms 27 vs 14 TPT)

Thank you for reading and thanks for your encouraging feedback on the last post.

I hope you were blessed.

Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe and share.

Lots of love.



  1. Wow.. This is amazing.. This is word!!!... Am blessed... Trust the process.... Hmmmmm.....

  2. May God continue to use you, thanks for not saying no to the CALL. Keep watering people.

  3. One thing i picked is that "the process might take time because God is building our capacity and ability to handle the gift when it finally comes. I pray for God's strength to trust the process.

    1. Amen, He would strengthen you I'm certain. Thank you so much

  4. True... it’s all a process and I ask for God’s grace to wait patiently. And while waiting I get to be ready for His greater plan. Thanks Tolu for this

  5. Waiting can be hard. Lord give me the grace to waiting patiently and stay consistently in your presence. Amen

  6. Ayanfe... It's just like you're talking to me.. May God bless you.
    Dorccy, Thank God for making our path cross.

    1. Thankful for His divine purpose. Thank you so much

  7. So good, yet so timely! You do know how to give sweet gist! I'll keep holding on. We're in this for the long haul.

    Thanks so much Altruistic Ayande!

  8. Thanks dear for this piece. God will continue to give you the wisdom you need in this journey. You are a blessing. Keep it up sis.


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