A sugar daddy is an older man who provides comfort, support, both financially, emotionally, materially for a younger companion.

I grew up as a girl who desired to be a daddy’s girl but unfortunately, my dad was always away because of work, business, education. He comes home during weekends, but there was also a business to look after on weekends. The little time he had with us was usually in the evening or when he’s on leave and he comes to pick us from school. Those moments were priceless for me.

After a while, I got used to not having to seeing him around, but my mum was always there, she is a teacher so she had a lot of time on her plate. Growing up, she warned me and my elder sister against boys. She would tell us how they can be dangerous and all. She even encouraged that we bring our friends home and warned us against anyone she wasn’t too comfortable around. She would even advise some of them when they come around.

One day, out of my curiosity, I asked her why she always warned us against boys. She answered my question but it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. Meanwhile, there was a boy asking me out then and I wanted to hear her reasons for warning us against boys but since her answer wasn’t convincing enough for me, I decided to give the boy a chance…#covering face… Good thing for me was the boy was a good boy and was amazing, he was after my success, he would take me to the library to read, he was in short after my growth but after some time we broke up…rolling eyes…

As I grew older, I went through different life hurdles that tossed me here and there, I became so secretive that I only told people what I wanted them to know. Oh!! I forgot to mention that at this time of my life, I had little or no love for myself. I owned a journal where I wrote letters to myself and to God.  That was the only way I was comfortable to communicate without feeling judged or condemned.

Sometimes in 2013, June to be precise. I was in my low state, desperate for love and acceptance. I was such a pleasant girl that no one would ever notice that I craved for love and acceptance, I had learned how to cover up these things up with my smile and attitude.

On this fateful day, I was sitting at my usual spot and He spotted my heart, or let me say I gave Him more attention because He had always been winking at me but I never gave him attention, I just always ensured that I greeted him and acknowledged him because he was way older than me but on this day, He had my attention, He finally won me over with his winks, he saw my deepest pain even silence and he said to me “ Tolu, I Love you, I’ve always loved you, I love you so much, I’ve loved you first, people have no choice than to love you”.

I began to cry, I had a rush of emotions, I felt a hand around me and He hugged me really close. He gave me the tightest hug ever. He hugged me so dearly that I knew I’ve found what I was looking for. I knew immediately I needed no other validation from anyone, He was all I needed and all I would ever need.

Daily, I began to spend time with him, I wrote more letters to him than I wrote to myself, I gave my heart to him completely, I told him everything. We talked about everything and anything. I never kept anything from him, my relationship with Him grew deeper and deeper. He told me so many secrets too. If I needed anything, I would tell him, he would arrange it for me. He practically gave me everything I needed; he gave me access to people too.

I remember days, we would play songs and dance together, days he would hug me very fiercely. Days I would sleep off on his laps and wake up in his embrace. Days he would shower so much love on me that I would begin to cry. Days I would desire something in my heart and he would give me without asking. Days he would give me things I didn’t even think I needed. I became happy and graceful. He made me love my becoming, I looked forward to every new day because it was another opportunity to become. He taught me to love myself and others. He showed me how to love by loving me without wanting nothing in return.

How can I forget moments of scolding? Chastising in love. He practically holds my hands every day and take me through each step. Ever since I started my relationship with him, I have never known a better yesterday. It has always been a sweet sweet honey experience ..#blushing... 

I call him Daddy, I call him Abba, I’m Abba’s Favorite girl. I’m Abba’s spoilt brat. He gave me a new name. He gave me AYANFE (chosen among many to be loved).  I can always bank on His love, He took out time especially to write a journal for me, he wrote down every day of my life in his book. He is always patient with me to see me grow. He doesn’t shout at me, he’s gentle, he’s kind, I’m always the first on his mind.

Friends, I present to you my Sugar Daddy, My Abba, My Father. He’s ever-present. He knows my deepest heart and loves me genuinely. I can share my sugar daddy with you because He knows how to give custom made love. He knows how to treat you specially without making me feel jealous. He’s not gender-bias. He’s got you sincerely, He’s got your back always and forever. He would never leave you or forsake you. and guess what? My Abba never sleeps nor slumber, His eyes move to and fro, just to protect you. He loved you before the world began. His arms are always wide open. The only thing he requires from you is your heart, he would take it from there. 

I love my Abba so much, but I’m sure He loves me more and He loves you too so much. 

His arms are wide open, he’s waiting to give you the warmest embrace you’ve ever gotten in your life.

Till I write to you again, don’t forget to like, comment and share.

All my love.



  1. Wow!!! This is inspiring and kind of funny.. Keep it up baby girl..

  2. I literally knew who he was from the start, really beautiful piece of writing.

  3. Wow, I could literally feel the love flowing through each word. Beautiful piece.

  4. Wow, This is great,....Thank you so much Ma.

  5. God loves us intentionally and unconditionally. This a great piece ❤️

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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