I love you now sounds like a cliché; it seems like it has lost its true value but just like $50 dollars remains $50 irrespective of what you do to it, same goes for the word “I LOVE YOU”

My first encounter with the word was when I was in secondary school, junior school to be precise. A boy wrote a letter to me, telling me he loved me and all. I was scared because I wasn’t used to the word, I believed anyone that told me he loved me especially being a guy, wanted to have an affair with me…#rolling eyes…(that was the belief then, don’t judge me). I had to report to a teacher and the teacher took it up and punished the guy. After some time, the guy came back, in fact he came to my house, bought me snacks and earrings just to show how much he loved me.

I wasn’t at home at the time the guy came, I went out with my mum and he waited patiently for me to come back, immediately he saw I came in with my mum, he dashed out of our gate but left the snacks and earrings he had bought for me. When my mum got to the sitting room, she saw the snacks and the earrings, I think the guy wrote a note to me telling me he loved me #laughing. My mother changed it for me oo, she said she was going to report me to my dad.. lol... I couldn’t even eat the snacks the guy brought, I reported him again at school and the boy wrote a letter to me again to threaten me he was going to send people to beat me up, I guess he was pained because of my actions.….hahahaha….

I was in senior secondary one when I started to understand what “I LOVE YOU” really meant. I started having friends that I sincerely loved to be around, I knew I had a strong affinity for them, I could go to any length to see them and make excuses for them I remember a time when myself and my best friend at that time fought, I was pained but because I valued the relationship that existed between us, we had to find a way around it. I understood then that it was not a word that was just meant for lovers. They are words that caries power and strength.

I remember when I had my first boyfriend, gosh… the feeling of love was ecstatic. I always loved to be around him, I just wanted to see him, I could be on the phone with him for hours, days I don’t get to hear from him I became worried. I really wanted him to succeed, I wanted the best for him and he wanted the same for me. I understood what it means to have butterflies in your bellies. What an amazing feeling.

As I grew up, I met amazing people, that became selfless just to make me happy. I valued family and friendship more. And they kept saying the word I LOVE YOU without wanting anything in return. They said the words without and complexity. They meant every letter of it. We built amazing memories together. We could have differences but we always ensured we settled it.

 The three-letter words have brought healing to me several times, it has given me reasons to hope again. It has made me want to try again; it has made me confident. The word has given me the courage to fight. It has given me a voice. It has given me the platform to become. It has taken my fears and given me faith.

I love you is one of the most powerful words on earth, it can break even the strongest person in the world. It carries the potency of life and strength. It carries life. The three-letter word revives, it fights, it’s patient. It is loyal and always want to fight. It restores. It births and sustains peace.

I understand the word has been used ambiguously because of what they want to get but it doesn’t mean it has lost its value. I LOVE YOU is a weapon, let us ensure we mean it each time we say it. Don't waste its power or potency. They are words of commitment and vulnerability. I love you is not just a cliché, it one of the most powerful words in the world, let us use it carefully and lavishly, the world is in so much pain and the healing is our words and actions

I love you friends and I mean every bit of it.

Till I write to you again.

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