I know the title sounds like a cliché but please stay with me…

I got sad news during the week about a classmate of mine from uni who died on Sunday. He was healthy on Saturday but died on Sunday. His death took me a little aback and got me to reflect on a lot of things and I began asking my closest friend (Holy Spirit) some questions and one of the questions I asked Him was “How can I intentionally live my best life each day?” and He said to me “Tolu Just Show up” and in my head I’m like show up where?

And then I started to plunge further to get more understanding and this scripture from the Bible dropped in my spirit "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. " Jeremiah 1:5

There was something in the heart of God when He created you. There was an assignment that had your name attached to it and He made everything complete before you were born. He understood your being and knew how every phase of your life would look like before you opened your eyes to this earth. He saw each day of your life and made provisions for every second of your breath. All He needs you is to SHOW UP... YES... SHOW UP EVERY DAY. It is in your showing up you get instructions about what to do per time.

Just imagine that you are invited for a dinner by a prominent person you’ve always admired, you mostly won't think about how the food would look like or how it would taste , you just know that you going to eat at the dinner and maybe have a conversation. Your honor for dinner invitation is just to show up.

Another  scenario is when seeing a movie, you don’t always know how the movie would end, you might have ideas but you don’t always have a perfect picture, the same way is your life, you don’t know what would happen the next second, you just have a glimpse based on happenings, you don’t have the full picture.

I’m just here to encourage you, the same way I’m encouraging myself, Life would always throw different things at you to make you stagger. God knows you would be where you are today, don’t worry too much about how shall this thing be, just show up. It is in your showing up you would get clarity.

 Friends, why not trust the one who wrote and owns the script for your life, your creator. He’s telling you he gat you, just show up. He got you covered. His plans are better than yours. Your best plan for yourself is His Least plans for you. Accept the dinner invitation or if you like movies like me, trust the scriptwriter. All He wants you to do is;
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Stay safe till we catch up next time.

Don’t forget to comment, share, and subscribe.

All my love.



  1. Yasss, I'm showing up today trusting the script writer 👌👌

  2. This is a needful and suitable message for a storming moment like this "man gat to show up".

    More anointing to Tolu!

  3. This message is so timely, just the exact words I needed to hear. Thanks Tolu

  4. The plans He has for me far exceeds my imagination!!!

  5. May God give us the grace to always show up

  6. Blessed and inspired by this!


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