It takes two to tango, sounds romantic yeah? I know....#smiles. 

I’ve been in a few relationships and I know what it feels like to be in love. I know how it feels to be loved. I know the feeling of having butterflies and feel all mushy, I know the tingling feeling of love. The ecstatic feeling is amazing. Beyond the mushy feeling, I know how it feels when your lover supports what you do especially when your lover is also your best friend such that you can share everything with him. I know the feeling of acceptance. I understand the power of agreement and collaboration that comes from lovers.

I've tried a couple of things in my life, I don’t like to be idle, at every point in my life you would always find me doing something. I remember this particular period of my life, I had just left uni and I didn’t want to go back home and sit idle, I called my best friend, who happens to be my boyfriend at that time, and discussed my concerns with him and he took his thinking cap and thought on my behalf. He took the burden of my worries and we came up with ideas and one of them was for me to learn how to draw. I think that one of the best things I did at that time. We found a place for me to learn, he would send me pictures of things to draw and he would correct some of my errors and celebrated my little progress. I always looked forward to drawing because someone else enjoyed my interest.

How can I forget the forceful power of two that pushed me to start a YouTube channel? Based on my personality, I would rather stay in my cocoon and just watch things slide gradually, but then I had this amazing friend who just suggested it one day that we should vlog about our experiences together. I loved the idea but I didn’t know it was going to be soon. One morning she just dragged me and said we are filming today, I wasn’t prepared but she said we are doing it anyways. That how we started a YouTube channel. The name of our Channel is AUDIENCE OF ONE. Click on the link below.

The power of two is a strong force that can accomplish a lot. The scriptures have it clearly spelled out in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up”.

I can give you a lot more stories on how the power of two has helped me in my journey of life. I can't even ignore it, it has saved me time, energy. It has given me influence, saved me from errors. In fact, it is still saving me.

The best power of Two is to have a close relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT. This is the best relationship you can have in your life. As human beings, we are frail and limited. We cant do so much by ourselves. We would always need a supernatural force to help us through this world. The world itself is spiritual, it’s beyond the physical.

The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of the Father ( your creator) and shares them with you. There are days you don’t want to talk to anyone or days when you are having issues with your partner and it so bothersome, who do you run to? Only the Spirit can decode things of the spirit. He would even reveal things about your partner to you.

The Holy Spirit is not just a Spirit, He is a person. He craves for our relationship. If you allow Him, trust me, you would always be peaceful and you would enjoy clarity, why bump into many roadblocks before hitting on the right road when you can actually just head on straight, by listening to the one on your inside.

Recently, I was having a downtime, I sincerely had no one to talk to because I knew what their responses might be, then I stylishly discussed with a friend about it and also my mum, they gave me what I was expecting, it wasn’t what I needed to hear and I went to the Holy Spirit, I embraced him and cried, yes I really cried because I was really overwhelmed and before He said anything to me, He gave me peace and explained to me why I was feeling the way I was feeling and told me practical steps on how to go about the issue. I immediately felt so much peace and joy. I didn't have to talk so much, He knew my heart before I spoke up. 

Friends, we as individuals are weak in ourselves, one of the strongest forces in the world is THE POWER OF TWO. It really takes two to tango. The Holy Spirit won't force Himself on you. He's the most romantic being, my closest friend. When I thought about this title, He was the first person that came to mind because, in recent times, I've come to realize that even the person that provides the supports to you, is sometimes weak and cannot help themselves, before you add to their burdens, go to the one who is the burden bearer.

Always remember this “ Before you pick that phone to call that friend or lover, before you turn to that partner, before you open your mouth to speak to that partner, go to the one on your inside, he would give you peace beyond human understanding”. The Holy Spirit is the secret to everything that was created.

Today, I encourage you to give him space in your heart, He has a lot to share with you, he has the script of your life with Him. I look forward to hearing your gist about the person of the Holy Spirit. If you want to talk more about this, you can send me an email at I would be so glad to read from you.

Here's one of my favorite scripture about the Holy Spirit.
And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words. God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny. (Romans 8:26-27)

I hope this blessed you.

Don’t forget to Like, comment, and share.

All my love.



  1. Kai😭😭😭😭..... This is what I listened too this morning.. The spirit is one... Never knew this is what I'm going to read on this blog.. Thank you for this piece.. I'm so much blessed with this

    1. wow..I'm so glad to hear.. thank you ..thank you..

  2. Thank you so much for this. The part that really struck me was where you mentioned that before we pick up that phone to call that partner, I remembered when o was overwhelmed by a challenge just yesterday a s I couldn't reach my partner, I was so worried because I needed some to give advice, I immediately spoke to Holy Spirit after doing that I felt completely unburdened. Beautiful piece of writing

  3. This is a wonderful piece.The holyspirit is our bestfriend,we can tell him everything and anything. I can remember a Sunday morning when I had to tie a headgear to church and I don't even know how to tie it in the first place,I quickly called on him to help,lo and behold I tied it perfectly with the head gear properly laid and I had everyone commenting how beautiful it looked on me.
    I tell him everything I do.

    1. Wow...Thank you Holy Spirit... for being our sincere teacher

  4. I can't be over this piece, I have read it like three times and I don't think I'm about to stop. It's so uplifting, just when you think you've seen the best, moments with Tolu surprises you.

  5. Thank you for this and more to come.

    1. Thank you too for staying committed to reading from me


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