I’ve been thinking for days on what to write, no inspiration at all, no thought is coming to mind, nothing guys, I mean nothing #sober. I’m just here sitting and saying to myself, “Tolu, you must show up anyway”. To add to my mood games, I woke up to a call that completely destabilized me.

I started to ask myself what to do when words fail, when I’m sincerely blank and I’m not in the mood to write or do nothing, when my emotions are playing games with me, making me feel a particular way because of a mistake I made or because of something I didn’t do right. What should I do?

Then, the Holy Spirit started to teach me the listed below;

1. Tolulope, you are not your mood, your mood is just a reflection of a particular situation you are in. When you get a call about something you are expecting, you would realize that your present mood would change to the mood of the news. And I’m like wawu.. so true,#smiling.

2. Trust Me (HOLY SPIRIT). I don’t give you inspirations at times because I want you to take yourself off the pressure of trying to do something right but instead believing that it is not by your strength, nor by your might but by the Spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6b)... Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

3.  I (Tolulope) am in charge, I choose whatever way I want to feel, my mind doesn’t know what is true or false, but it accepts whatever I push to it.

4. Affirmations… Confessing the things I want to see and not the things I feel or see because of my emotions or surrounding.

Affirmations work like magic but can be tricky, the power of affirmations usually comes from our true identity. You don’t affirm you are a king, when you still feel like a slave, you affirm you are king because you know you are a king. Affirmations works when you understand your identity and you are confessing from the place of your identity and not from the place of fear or because you are told to declare or confess words.

5. Stay calm, don’t be too quick to move out what you are feeling, analyze your thought and pick signals from it and work on the signals you get, sometimes it can be a foresight to something, sometimes a warning or even a moment to say a word of prayer.

6. Don’t form macho..lol..be vulnerable. Acknowledge you don’t feel like it and it is ok but don’t wallow in the feeling and understand that you are not the feeling.

7. Love yourself irrespective, yes, I feel bad about what I didn’t do right, but hello, I LOVE ME…… I’m growing and I’m picking my lessons.

8.  I feel better writing this … like I’m smiling already compared to how I felt before I started writing.

Here’s the trick… do what you don’t feel like doing, you would be amazed at the fulfillment you would get after doing it....#yasss...

9. The Holy Spirit is the sweetest friend you can ever have, to help you through this phase…to read more about Him, check my previous post …its just a link away


I hope this was helpful?

Thank you for staying committed to reading from me.

Don’t forget to like, comment and share on your way out.

All my Love.



  1. I feel like this post is just for me, thanks so much for yielding.


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