Favour factor sounds like “spiri” yeah? I heard this phrase first around 2015 or thereabout and it has stuck with me and sometimes boosts my confidence level till today. Favour factors are the simple traits that makes you unique as an individual. They are special features you have, like the way you talk, the shape of your nose, your eyes, your height, and many more. It may even be your voice. Your favour factor is that trait that would open doors of favour to you before men. Let me also call it your ACCESS CODE . That you are busty, it means there are certain people that love busty people and because of it give you access. That you are tall, there are certain people that would give you access because you are tall. God is intentional. He created us uniquely for special purposes. Only God searches the heart, man would first judge you physically before they hear your content. Gracefully nurture your favour factors and flaunt them as often as you can. You are beautiful ...