
Showing posts from August, 2020


  Favour  factor sounds like “spiri” yeah? I heard this phrase first around 2015 or thereabout and it has stuck with me and sometimes boosts my confidence level till today. Favour factors are the simple traits that makes you unique as an individual. They are special features you have, like the way you talk, the shape of your nose, your eyes, your height, and many more. It may even be your voice. Your favour factor is that trait that would open doors of favour to you before men. Let me also call it your ACCESS CODE . That you are busty, it means there are certain people that love busty people and because of it give you access. That you are tall, there are certain people that would give you access because you are tall. God is intentional. He created us uniquely for special purposes. Only God searches the heart, man would first judge you physically before they hear your content. Gracefully nurture your favour factors and flaunt them as often as you can. You are beautiful because t


  Some years back, my best friend and I had a big misunderstanding that made us involve our parents. We decided to end our friendship and forget all the memories we shared with each other, we were so angry and bitter at each other. We went from months without talk ing to each other. We didn’t call, we didn’t text, we would see each other’s status and just pass. I would sometimes even post my pictures on my WhatsApp status so she can see that I’m still alive…lol... she would view and pass. I would also do the same to hers. We continued for months and goosh, it was eating me up. I really did miss her, I missed our gists and laugh. Then one day, I decided to go through our chats and I started to laugh all by myself, as I read the chats I began to flood my mind with good memories of us being together, the sacrifices we've made for each other. I remembered how she would spoil me when she is boxed up. I went back to the memory lane and I realized that the issue that transpired between


Becoming is a journey that never ends, it is peculiar to you. You can’t copy someone’s becoming. It is yours. In this journey, every second is new, not every day, it is every second, every second count and it accumulates to who you would become in the next minute. Becoming can be sweet and tough depending on the season you are at. You seem to master a bit today and by tomorrow, the part you thought you mastered vanishes and you become a student again. Becoming makes you a child. You are a fresh student every day, you just wake up every day positive and expectant. The good thing about it is, it builds you into someone admirable and a personality that stands out amongst the crowd, that’s if you permit yourself to stand out. Our becoming ends the day we die. Every day we live; we become. Becoming does not have a pattern. It doesn’t have a code. It doesn’t have a particular way of life. Your becoming is unique to you and you alone.  But there are tips that can help you enjoy your bec


Hey fam, I really need to thank you for your supports, comments and love always. Thank you. I always look forward to your comments because they motivate me. Thank you for helping me stay consistent. I’m grateful. “I AM ENOUGH”. This was the word I woke up with some days back, these words were the first words that came from my lips as I opened my eyes, I started to declare the words, I prayed them out. I was really conscious of the word that as I went about my day, I kept speaking it and then the next day, while I was having my diary session, lol with the Holy Spirit, He told me “ Aunty, you didn’t even bother to ask me the meaning of the word you woke up to, you just kept confessing it”. Immediately I apologized and He said to me “Tolu, I need you to ask me about everything, in this journey, you don’t know much, ask, I am here to guide you into all truth” Lesson: Always ask questions, don’t assume you know. You might think you know but then, it might mean something else entirely.