Some years back, my best friend and I had a big misunderstanding that made us involve our parents. We decided to end our friendship and forget all the memories we shared with each other, we were so angry and bitter at each other. We went from months without talking to each other. We didn’t call, we didn’t text, we would see each other’s status and just pass. I would sometimes even post my pictures on my WhatsApp status so she can see that I’m still alive…lol... she would view and pass. I would also do the same to hers.

We continued for months and goosh, it was eating me up. I really did miss her, I missed our gists and laugh. Then one day, I decided to go through our chats and I started to laugh all by myself, as I read the chats I began to flood my mind with good memories of us being together, the sacrifices we've made for each other. I remembered how she would spoil me when she is boxed up. I went back to the memory lane and I realized that the issue that transpired between us was too small to destroy what we’ve built together for years.

Most times, when issues happen between two people, friends, family, colleagues, even God, It is , most times not the “issue” but instead, it is an attack on something bigger than the issue, it is always more than the fight, check it most times, the devil is always trying to steal from you, either your peace, joy, friendship or your gratitude. He's just always ready to attack something that's yours but most times makes it look subtle, so you don't get to see the big picture.

Same goes to our walk with God, we sometimes desire that certain things happen and because we’ve not seen them happen, we start to wallow in self-pity, bitterness and all and forget all the things God has done, we even stop praying, reading the word, stop talking to "our spiritual" friends, we stop going to church, we cut our relationship with the Holy spirit because certain things aren’t going as planned. I know we are human and situations can sometimes be funny but remember that God is a Father and He wants the best for us. 

Always choose to remember what God has done, always remember the promises, remember the covenants, remember His words to you, the visions, the dreams he showed you in your sleep. If it takes that you write them down and read them aloud, please do. If it requires that you go through pictures and memory lane, please do. And always choose to remember the positive things and not the negative. Focus your mind on the positive part alone.

After I decided to remember the good things about my friend. I was still pondering whether to call her or not, so I sent her a text to greet her, she returned my text, but it was still a cold response, then she called me on my birthday and she prayed for me, gisted with me. that’s how we broke the ice o, she told me the good news she has been keeping from me, it was that season we didn't talk, I became a godmother. We came back stronger and built a stronger relationship than we had until her death.

I couldn’t imagine us not getting back together, I never knew she was going to die quite early, I’m always grateful we mended our relationship. It would have been one of my greatest regrets.

Fam, life would always test everything you own, even your own life, choose to remember the promise of God for you, choose to remember the things you had without asking, choose to remember how you scaled through issues you never thought you could survive. Choose to remember the things that would uplift your soul and cause you to rejoice. Choose to remember what would give you Joy.

Be deliberate to remember the "joyful" things that keeps you fighting for your joy and peace. The devil is always moving to and fro to kill, destroy, and steal all that you own.

Stay guarded by choosing to remember the "joyful" things.

Till I write to you again.

Don’t forget to like, comment and share.

All my love.



  1. Woah Tolu! This is the most beautiful piece I’ve read in a while ����

  2. Awwww..... Sisterly... Thank you πŸ€— πŸ€—

  3. I choose to remember πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

  4. I choose to remember all the good things. Thank you Tolu and rest on BisolaπŸ’“

  5. Thank you for this beautiful piece

  6. I really choose to remember the positive only! Thank you.


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