Hey fam, I really need to thank you for your supports, comments and love always. Thank you. I always look forward to your comments because they motivate me. Thank you for helping me stay consistent. I’m grateful.

“I AM ENOUGH”. This was the word I woke up with some days back, these words were the first words that came from my lips as I opened my eyes, I started to declare the words, I prayed them out. I was really conscious of the word that as I went about my day, I kept speaking it and then the next day, while I was having my diary session, lol with the Holy Spirit, He told me “ Aunty, you didn’t even bother to ask me the meaning of the word you woke up to, you just kept confessing it”. Immediately I apologized and He said to me “Tolu, I need you to ask me about everything, in this journey, you don’t know much, ask, I am here to guide you into all truth”

Lesson: Always ask questions, don’t assume you know. You might think you know but then, it might mean something else entirely.

As I asked the Holy Spirit, for what He meant by “ I AM ENOUGH” and He explained to me from two different perspectives.

I recently started looking for opportunities to upskill myself in my business, career and also my personal life, I started to push some buttons and I didn’t get a positive response from them, one day, I started to feel bad that I wasn’t competent enough for the roles and opportunities I was applying for, I started to look down on myself and started to put a lot of pressure on myself and so I concluded that I wasn’t competent enough to get the opportunities I wanted. I then decided that I was going to do more from what I usually do, I started to read more, research more, I surfed the internet more and the more I was doing I realized I became less productive. I became a distraction to myself and my mind picked the message of I AM NOT COMPETENT instead of GROWTH. So, it focused on me not being competent.

It took the Holy Spirit to help me realize this fact and immediately I got the message, I decided to do a break down of all I was doing (including the books I was reading and the courses I was taking) and I had to get my WHY for doing them and when I did this, I then drew a table like a dashboard to show all I was doing. I dated each day and I ensure I tick off each task after it's done. This is done daily before going to bed. No more pressure, instead I build discipline around what I’m supposed to be doing.

Here’s the catch, most times when we desire something so much and we don’t get them, it is not because we are not enough, neither is it because we lack competence, sometimes, it’s just the season we are at. Most importantly, it is necessary to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, He teaches us to be self-aware and to know the season we are at.

The second part to the phrase I AM ENOUGH is that “ I am Enough for the assignment God has placed in my hands, I am capable of birthing every prophecy the Father has said about me, all I need to do is to sit down and count my cost. I need to understand that because he gave me the vision doesn’t mean I am ready for the vision; I just need to grow through processes trusting the Holy Spirit to help me through each season. I am Enough for the Father's job that is why He has empowered me with the Holy Spirit and His Power so I can do all he has planned for me.


  • You are enough, not having the opportunity you desired doesn’t mean you are not competent for the opportunity. It is just the principle of time and seasons.
  • When you feel, you are not getting what you want or desire, instead of beating yourself up, seek the Father’s face and get to know His mind about the situation
  •  Ensure you know your WHY, it would save you a lot of headaches and frustrations.
  •   Always ask questions, don’t assume you know. The Holy Spirit is always ready to guide you into all truth.
  • You are enough for the assignment God has given to you. Grow through the process and be humble at each victory.
  • You don’t have a full picture of your Vision, the more you walk with the Father, the clearer the vision.


Till I write to you again.

Don’t forget to like, comment and, share.

All my love



  1. Oh my, I'll be lying if I say this is not all that I needed to hear this morning. I AM ENOUGH!!!


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