It's been like forever since I wrote to you all, I'm sorry, its been an emotional traumatised week for me and most Nigerians especially in the last two weeks. It's been a lot. I pray God heal of our hearts and help us birth the New Nigeria of our dreams. 

The Scent of Hope is so dear to me because It was a revelation that weighed on my heart as a burden. I thought about it every time until I decided to yield to my spirit to put it down into writing . I'm also being blessed by it. 

The past 3 months for me has been quite eventful. I've had to make decisions that I never thought I could make so easy and swiftly . I've had to go against my words and make choices beyond my emotions. They've been really unprecedented. Decisions that looks like my future pointing its guns at me saying choose between your present pleasure over your future pain or future pleasure over present pain. They were tough guys. I cried making some of them. I literally have to borrow courage to make some of them. But, like we say, we move #smiles 

When the series of events in my life begin to overlap itself making me make decision against my emotions. I began to fear, I began to shake, I was worried if I was on the right track. I doubted myself couple of times. I was scared of the aftermath of my decisions. I was even weak to pray. And when the Nigeria event also occurred. I was so drained emotionally, that I lost my strength, I couldn't pray, talk, eat or even sleep. I began to remember those prophecies over me and Over Nigeria that I've heard. I was trying to analyse it and question some that I could question. 

Guess what I found out? In my lowest lowest state. I'm not alone. The Holy Spirit at this point rises up on my inside and make groanings for me. The tears and silences are groanings too heavy for words that's why I couldn't utter a word. The Holy spirit picks all of them and translates them to words to the Father and begin to Intercede on my behalf and gradually from no where, I began to feel strength, I began to feel His peace, joy then multiplies in my heart and I begin to smell hope. The birthing of Hope mostly occurs in our vulnerability in our lowest state because in our lowest state, our mind is mostly relapsed. Our Spirit is active. In fact, hope is birthed from the Spirit. 

Your story may not be like mine, but you have lost hope over the promises God has given you or over the desires your heart longs for because there are no signs to confirm their existence or potency or manifestations. Just tell yourself calm down, the reason you doubt is because there's an occurrence already in your Spirit that your mind is countering against because your mind is yet to see them physically. 

A scent of Hope is what you need to fight back these promises and desires. Don't focus on the happenings but focus on what you can't see but yet perceive. What is seen is proof already and there's no point hoping for what is seen. 

You need just a scent of hope, like a smell from Perfume to birth that promise, dream or desire. Just a scent... Hold on to that scent, that's all you need. It would birth the seed to what you desire to see and once the seed is birthed, and a sprout is seen, the dots would be connected as the Scent of hope would birth the orchid of your life. 

... yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant. Job 14:9 NIV

Keep hoping, keep the Scent of Hope alive. Till I write to you again

Don't forget to comment and share 

All my love. 



  1. Wow, hope alive again. This is so refreshing 🥺🥺

  2. Missed hearing from you!
    There is no loosing hope for me!


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