Happy new year once more. Trust your year is starting on a great note? I started my year big and I'm super excited about how the rest of the year would unfold. 

Thank you to everyone that sent me messages about my book.. I'm so grateful. Who can guess what the title is? Anyone who guesses right would be given a slot to come for the launch. So keep it coming.. 

Today, I'm led to talk to you about MY FEAR. In this journey of life, we all, at one point or the other have had something that scared us and made us anxious. Mine was the ability to sustain the presence of God and be Hungry for the things of the kingdom. I had the fear of burning out and not have the same consistency of fire to carry me for my life time. 

When I started my EUREKA journey in 2019, I was really hungry, I wanted more and I was ready to pursue the kingdom with all I had in me. I was going from one conference to another, one meeting to another. When I started to have my strange experiences in God.. I was scared I would loose my hunger but I was so wrong. The things of the spirit are not with enticing words of men that has limits. The things of the Spirit are with power, once a channel is opened up in the Spirit realm, there's a push for others to open, which increases the hunger in you. 

The only responsibility you have is to abide in Him and dwell in his presence. The things of the kingdom doesn't die, it increases day by day... Every time you attain a level in the spirit realm, it builds capacity for you to attain the next level. 

Fam, don't be scared of burnout, there's nothing called burnout in the Spirit. For it is Him that works in us both to will and do of his good pleasure. The desire itself didn't start with you, He kept the hunger in you in the first place. So wipe the thought of burning out from your mind, abide in Him and be a dweller of His Presence and the bible also says, the path of the righteous is like a shining light that shines brighter and brighter. Instead of the fears, embrace the promises he has said over you in his word. 

Say after me: I have no fear, I will not burn out, I grow daily in God, for He who has started the good work in me is able to complete it and bring it to perfection. 

Trust this blessed you. 

All my love. 



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