Whoops whooos whoops.. I don't even have words to express how I feel but I sincerely want to thank you guys. Thank you for your comments on THE SECRET. I think it has the highest view in recent times. Thank you all for your kind words. You guys pace me and help me get better. 

I really didn't plan that there would be a part 2 to THE SECRET , but who am I to decide? He leads and I follow gladly. The second part to the secret is what we all do but not consciously. I also consciously started practice this secret sometimes in 2019. Guess what the secret is......lemme whisper to you.. 

It is INTERCESSION.. Praying for others and carry the burden of the father in prayers. 

Intercession is one of the greatest secret of relevance and dominance. Its a secret that paves way for you even when you are not praying for yourself. Intercession is one of the weapon to win your life battles. Intercession is forgetting your pain and carry other people's burden and helping them to birth it to reality. 

What do you desire to have, look for someone who is in need of that same desire or someone who needs an intervention in one area of their life. Pick a time, set an alarm and pray for that person like you are praying for yourself, indirectly you are waging war on your behalf. And then, ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray for that situation so you can pray out the will of the father concerning that situation. 

Let me quickly share this testimony with you, she is someone I know well and she's very dear to me. Some years back, she started to Intercede for the power sector in Nigeria. She prayed for years, then one day someone called her and said she was referred for a position in a firm in the power sector and she's would be representing the West African region, after some years, she became the MD of the company and God told her, you've been praying for power sector for a while, now this is your reward. 

I can say a lot of testimonies that comes from interceding for others. It is also one of the things that delights the father. I always pray to God. Father, give me the burden of other to bear. Help me to birth their desires in prayers and The Holy Spirit empowers me to do so every time. 

Fam, life can't be all about you. If you really want to thrive in this decade, quit praying about your needs alone.. Pray for your friends, people you don't know. Nations, government. Pray out the will of God in every sector and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to pray out the burden of the father. 

One cue, to know when to pray for someone, each time you remember someone you've not reached out to or heard of in a long time or you just have a flash of someone's face in your head, pray it out. It could be signal for you to pray. Then you have the Holy spirit to always guide you through. 

I trust this blessed you? Till I write to you again. 

All my love. 



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