Hey fam, how have you been? Thank you for the love on my previous impromptu post. I'm really blessed to have you all in my space.  Thank you.

My faith journey is one of those that makes me really vulnerable and grateful at the same time. It's a journey of me being a child completely. It's a journey of complete trust. It's a journey of trusting my ears to pick heaven's words. It's a journey where I completely rely on the Holy Spirit to lead my heart. It's a journey of YES Lord, I trust you. It's a journey of complete brokenness. It's a journey of "Lord, even if I don't see you working, you never stop working".

As I write this, I'm still in awe of how far I've come. It's been a long stretching journey but worth it. The story that comes to mind is the story of Abraham, how God told him to leave his family, to a land he had no idea about, to a land where God would show him. He didn't have an idea of what and when and how, he just trusted God and His words. Today we are heirs of Abraham, enjoying the covenant be stepped into.

I've always been a church girl, I grew up going to church and church activities were norm to me. So I had begun my God journey since I was a teenager but my conscious journey with God started sometimes in 2018. I became so deliberate in my walk with God because I wanted more from life and I knew I couldn't deliver myself. I just had to completely surrender to my saviour to lead me on this path.  After this decision, I decided to always ask God about every step of my journey. 

My faith journey didn't start very clear but it started with my ability to hear God and trust what I heard and just obeyed. The more I obeyed, the more I trusted what I heard and I started to journal what I heard so I can check each time what I heard came to reality. Like I stated earlier, the journey didn't start clear but I believed the one who speaks to me. I remember that the anchor scripture I had all through 2018 was Psalms 34:5 "They looked to Him and were radiant; their faces shall never blush for shame or be confused"
Psalm 34:5 AMPC. I just knew God wouldn't shame me. So I trusted Him because my life depends on it. My result must be different. 

It's a journey of complete trust and little instructions here and there, for instance , send a text to this person and write this and this, so i would send a text and the response would be there's a meeting I would like you to attend, please call this number and when I get to such meetings, its always like, the meetings were organised for me. Sometimes it would be tell your cousin this and that and when I do, it would be what she needed to hear. It was a journey of so much trust and believe, after a while I started to hear instructions about my job, I would hear that I should take up certain task to do, by the time my boss walks out from management meeting and give me update, I would have done most of what was discussed in the meeting I didn't attend. I began to love the vibe of getting to know about things I wasn't thinking about. Then same thing happened with my church.

My faith journey is a journey of baby steps, it began with my everyday routine to major decisions like leaving my job, leaving my relationship, starting a business etc. And yes, it's still a journey of baby steps. I still trust him for my daily activities because He scripted all my life in His book. 

One secret to strengthen one's faith journey is reading and hearing stories of men and women who lived by faith. The Bible is a great place to start. From Genesis to Revelation, we would see how men and women of old walked in faith. Hebrews 11 gives a detailed documentary of men and women of faith.

Our journey in life would only be easy and stress free if we trust God enough with our life and that can only happen with Faith. The journey of faith is the road less stupid. You don't have to try everything to get it. Just trust the one who has your life scripted in his book.  Be quick to listen and do. The blessing and reward is in the doing. 

I look forward to hearing your own faith journey. Till I write to you again.

All my love.



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