Hey fam💃💃💃💃💃 💃

It's really been Like forever... Who missed me??. Lol.. I missed me too. I couldn't wait to be back. I have a lot of gist to give you all. So many roller coaster moments.. Chai.. In all of it God gat me. He was really there.. He is still here. Now let's dive in..

My heart Transplant is one of my biggest miracle. God is so kind. I'm still in awe each time I remember this miracle.

Some years years back, out of my curiosity to know why God decided to say to King David.. I've found a man after my heart and I decided to do a research and I found out that when a heart Transplant is done, the new recipient of the heart start to have the same emotions as the old recipient. They start to think same way, same emotions, same feelings, same vulnerability. The same Bible tell us that from the heart flows the issues of life.

Fast forward to 2021, sometimes in February, I started another season in my life that was so stretching, I had to leave my family completely and they I stayed close to my Mentor. I saw how she lived her life.. I watched more closely who she is. I saw Jesus first hand and like Paul said, imitate me as I imitate Christ. That was what I saw with her. The more I got closer to her, the more I get to fall more in love with Jesus. I started to search the scriptures and read about Jesus and His disciples.. There was barely no difference.

Then one day, we went out, on our way back, I asked her.. I said "Mama, I love your heart, why are you this selfless? And yet you want nothing and you just show Jesus". She answered and said to me "Tolu, my heart is Jesus's. The more of Jesus I behold, the more I become, the selflessness you see is Jesus". I got home and pondered on the word. And I began to cry "Jesus, give me a heart like yours, I want to love like you, I want to live like you". I really prayed out my heart, crying like a child that needs food. Some mins later, I felt my heart being yanked off and I was given a new heart. There was a bigger heart in front of the small heart. And as the bigger heart beats, the smaller heart beats after it and I heard, "now you have a new heart, a heart like mine, it beats after mine, it doesn't beat alone".

When I woke up, I felt like a new born baby, I noticed that so many things changed about me. I became so compassionate and kind. My love for reading the word increased. Jesus is my heart beat, as he beats, I beat. The more I release myself to Him the more he works with me from inside out.

Fam, my heart Transplant might sound spooky but guess what no one can thrive in this world without the heart. Your heart is like a dispenser, your spirit is intact and real but your heart is the controller of your emotions, if you don't guard it, it can ruin you. In this dispensation, the posture of your heart determines how far and fast you would go in life. The heart is one of your most important arsenal to win in this decade. Please guard it, pray for it and most importantly ask Jesus to help you.. If you need your heart fixed tell him, if you need a new one, ask him.. He gave me one.

Lastly, always pray for your heart, there's a way that always seem very right, but the end is sometimes destruction. Your heart Posture would help you  receive from both God and man. Your heart would keep you off distractions, keep you off offense, it would help your discernment, it would keep you from hurt, help you differentiate between being good and being compassionate. You won't be brash and rash with words. From your heart flows the issues of life. Guard it fam. Please Guard it.

If you will, please say this prayer with me ;

God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways— the path that brings me back to you.
Psalms 139:23‭-‬24 TPT

Trust this blessed you? Don't forget to comment and share with your friends and family. Till I write to you again.

All my love.



  1. Nice one.. Thank you for this.. I'm blessed 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

  2. Thank you so much Tolu. This is a blast and right now I want a new heart.. This story of yours has answered some questions I have been asking Jesus days now. Thank you and thank you for yielding to His will.

  3. Thank you for this powerful article, I am really bless. Thank you.


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