Goodbyes are always hard, especially if it's something we love or someone we are used to. But sometimes it's the beginning of a new journey.

I started January very blank, didn't know what to do or what to expect. I didn't have any goal, no expectation whatsoever. The only thing I was sure I had was God, family and friends. I didn't know how I was going to navigate through the year, I didn't know what to pray about or even prepare for. I was sincerely clueless but I had an open heart and I was sensitive to hear what the Spirit was telling me. I didn't even have prayer point to pray, I remember me telling God to put other people's burden in my heart so I could pray for them... Lol..

As the year unfolds, I was expectant, I knew I had baggages to drop, my business wasn't going as I expected, I had bills piling up, funds were not coming from no where, I knew something has to change but I didn't know what exactly. Then sometimes in February, I started to feel an unease like something was about to shift. I stayed sensitive, I began to yield to some of these things.

The first thing I did was to release myself to exposure, I dropped all I was doing at that time and decided to be discipled by my mentor. I observed, went to places I've never been, attended meetings I wasn't invited to, started to watch keenly, volunteered and I saw how my mind began to open but I realized that, it was just a part of my mind that was ready to embrace the whole change that I saw was good for me.

The exposure continued till June and I realized that there needed to be an alignment between my thoughts, prayers expectations, imaginations and my mind. I can't be praying and imagining contracts when I don't have a registered business or a business account. I can't be praying for a new home, when I haven't started to search for a house. I can't want to tour nations and not have an international passport. So I began to align my heart, mind, body and soul.

I made up my mind to say goodbye to my old limiting self, I embraced the new journey of growth. I wrote a sincere letter to myself and I closed down that chapter of my life. I'm ready for the new me. I've always being afraid to get dirty with my hands and go extra mile, I made up my mind to seek help by speaking Up and I realized that everything we need is right beside us. I'm so amazed at the resource and help I've received just from saying good byes.

I'm so excited about the new me, I still have somethings I'm laid back on but it's better, I'm no longer rigid.. I'm so excited about this new journey. I would gist you about the updates. I wrote this to also stay accountable.

Your story may not be like mine, but there's always a new you always ready to emerge, be ready to say good byes and receive help. The help you need is not far fetched. Infact, when the student is ready, the teacher would appear.

Trust this blessed you? Don't forget to comment and share.

All  my love,




  1. Thank you Tolu for sharing,this provides a lot of answers to some questions for me.Continue to grow.

    1. I'm glad you were blessed ma. Thank you so much ma

  2. What resonates with me from this piece is that we need to take steps in alignment with our goals/dreams. If we keep holding on to the old, then we will never be ready for the new.
    The familiar needs to be jettisoned if we are to conquer new territories. In fact, that's the whole concept of faith: to act as though we already have what we hope for.


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