Fam, aren't you all amazing? Thank you for all the love, feedbacks and comments on my previous post, I was really elated to read from you all. Thank you for your support and love, it is the fuel that keeps me going.

My proposal came not as a surprise, at the same time it was not something I prepared for. I knew something was coming but I couldn't place it, I knew something would hit me that would change my life and cause a rapid shift to my becoming, but I didn't know how or when.

In my last post, I mentioned how I started the year clueless without having an idea about how the year would unfold, I was just sure I had God and I knew He would definitely order my steps, I was certain I can't miss it anymore at this phase of my life. So, after I said my goodbyes, I knew it was time for me to embrace the new me knocking at the door of my becoming. I knew I was to accept the invitation, but I also felt I needed certain level of preparation to accept the invitation.

One fateful morning, I woke with the Question " Do you trust me? and I answered reluctantly and then I heard the Spirit of the Lord say again to me, "Tolu, I love you, I've got beautiful and amazing plans for you, you don't have to go through this phase trying to  prepare for it or have a glimpse of what is next, all I need you to do is to trust me, trust me completely"  and then suddenly I felt, The Lord, going down on His knees, with my angels cheering me on and giggling, and I heard the Lord and saying "Tolulope Ayanfe, do you trust me enough to give you a beautiful life more that you can ever imagine?, do you trust me to give you JOY all the days of your life, Do you trust me to surprise you everyday and surpass your imaginations? " Would you allow me to show you my ways and bring to pass every prophecies that have gone ahead of you? " with tears in my eyes, I said " YES LORD, I trust you" and immediately I heard this song in my heart " Jireh , You are enough"( A song by Maverick City). I played the song all week long. I listened to each letter of the song and I truly accept that God is enough for me, If He can clothe the lilies, how much more, me, the apple of his eyes. The peace I felt afterwards, I can't explain it and I heard him whisper again to my ears, " I am the one that teaches you what to want, so every good thing you desire in your heart from henceforth, I kept them there" I smiled and giggled like my angels did earlier. And I said through my smiles "Lord, I trust you, you are enough for me and my portion forever, I trust you with every detail of my life". Then, I felt him embrace me so fiercely. I felt safe. I really can't put the exact way I felt in words. 

Sometimes, we can get so worked up especially in our adult life that we have mastered how to do certain things in a certain way and how to press certain buttons to get certain results. It works sometimes but I'm also here to inform you that our mind sometimes get tired of routine, it wants something new.  Your old self is eagerly awaiting the emergence of the new you and you can only come to the fullness of yourself by accepting that you can't deliver the higher you by yourself. The only way is to trust the one who has your script and make a decision to accept his invitation to help you at all times. We make decisions everyday and the result we see in our lives daily are proof of the choices we make and the decisions we choose.

One of my top goals in life is to always live an unpredicted life, where my input does not match my output and the only way I can achieve this is to always accept His proposal each time he proposes to me. The proposals are not once and for all, they would always come at every season of your life, but I have made up my mind to always accept each one every time He comes proposing, and the proposals are different each season, what is most important is, you are ready to always say YES, when He comes Knocking, remember, He is the bridegroom and I am the bride and so are you.

Soon, I would give you some gist just from saying YES to His proposal. My life is changing fam, everyday my mind evolves and my desire changes daily. I am more self aware and more disciplined now. These are big news fam. Please make up your mind to always say YES, I look forward to hearing your testimonies too.

Trust this blessed you? Don't forget to comment and Share.

All my love,



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