Hey Fam, how have you all been? Trust you've been great, I know I've not been very consistent with my writing, I've been up to a lot and all happening at the same time. But I promise to do better.

For a while now, I've been hearing the word "Show up", I even had to go back to my one of my writing "Just show up" and I asked myself, why should I go back to write about showing up but I realized that it is a message my brain must get used to.

Some months back, I was privileged to be part of an amazing organization that has fast tracked my growth by 1000%. There was this particular day, we  were asked to meet for a physical meeting as against the usual virtual meeting we've been having, I didn't feel like it at all. I was too tired to leave my house but I told myself to try to go that I won't be long to come back home. When I got to the venue, I still didn't see the reason for me showing up, after like an hour, I didn't know when  started to say thank you Jesus. That day was one of my Eureka moments, I got answers to the questions I've been asking in my secret place, the scale of smallness dropped off my eyes.  Just after that, I was still relishing the moment, I met another amazing woman that is also now very pivotal to my growth and success. just because I showed up.

Just recently, I woke up from my bed with this very mad menstrual  pain.  Immediately, I said to myself, I'm going to cancel and take excuse today to nurse the cramps, at some point I began to roll on the floor , I carried myself forcefully into the bathroom ,  I had a warm bath, but the pain increased, then I heard the small voice in my head, "Tolu show up". Then, I immediately stood up, and started to pace round the room, I did my morning prayers, went to my wardroom, picked my best Adire shirt, took my make up purse, packed my hair, I wore one of my favorite earring, switched on my laptop, checked my to do, took some selfies and I started my day. I felt so proud of myself, I ignored the pain and my feeling. I asked myself if I was the president of the organization I was working for , would I make this excuse? I said no, guess what,  I later found out that my president also had cramps but she showed up. The session I showed up to, the only thing the facilitator kept saying was show up, you would always have excuses not to show up, but show up.

Fam, everyday please make it an obligation to always show up. you don't know what is behind the showing up, I have enjoyed so much just because I showed up. I have been privileged to access so many opportunities just because  I showed up. You might not know how the whole season would playout , please show up, let God handle the rest.

Also, at this point of my life, it is no longer an excuse to not show up because destines are on my shoulders waiting for me to show up for them. I do not live for myself. I am here today because someone showed up. I must also pay it forward and show up regardless. Imagine Jesus didn't show up at the wedding at Cana? That was the beginning of his miracles. Everytime you show up, you are being in charge and you showing that you are living beyond yourself. 

I hope this blessed, show up today , tomorrow and the day after, you wont regret it. it's you paying your dues to greatness.

Till I write to you again.



  1. I loved this piece so much. It proves that showing up is a choice as much as making an excuse is a choice.

    I choose to show up.

    Thank you ma


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