Hello Beautiful family, it's 2022... Whooosh, Happy New year... I know it's been like forever, so much has happened, so much gist to catch you up with, so many testimonies, so many mistakes,  lots of beautiful memories and most importantly , so many lessons. 2021 was indeed a year, a year I had to grow and mature fast and a year with so much lessons, yes, it was a tough year but that is how we grow, yeah? And we move.

I know its a new year  and lots of people already have new year resolutions and the likes, the vision boarders have done their vision boards, prophecies have also gone ahead, I'm definitely not against all of these, but what is most important to me is YOU. What is your YOU goals, all of the results you want to achieve is based on who you are and who you become. Make your YOU growth a priority more than the results, the results you see in your life are proof of the growth and the inputs you have invested in your self. So make YOU important, YOU in your spiritual life, YOU in your financial life, YOU in all 360 degrees growth.

In 2022, one of the things I promise myself is to have roots … when my roots are solid and firm, that way I can have fruits that endure and last. I want to have roots in my walk with God, my emotional life, my financial life, business life.

Another thing I've promised myself is to seek peace above all things, I prioritize my peace more than ever in this season and the only way I can have this peace is to stay seated with the owner of this Peace which is Jesus Christ, there would be storms, there would be raging wars, there would be all sorts that would want to throw you off guard, but I have made up my mind to seek peace at all time.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27

What's your YOU goal for 2022? Share with me in the comment section.

Trust this blessed you?

Till I write to you again,

All my love



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