Hey fam, thank you for your consistent support and feedbacks. I feel so honored doing life with you all.

Fam, can you believe that the initial post I was going to post didn't save, I took my laptop to edit, only for me to realize that it was just the title that got saved. I was so pained and decided I wasn't going to write anything again, I would just edit one of those I wrote earlier in the week but it didn't jell with me, so I reluctantly, started to write again and this sweet sleep came , I became sleepy and I just heard a whisper from the Holy Spirit and then we began to have a conversation.

Holy Spirit : " Are you not hungry ? "
Me "Yes"..
Holy Spirit : " Why don't you go downstairs and find something to eat" .
Me: "ok"

Goes downstairs, and got something to eat and sleep left my eyes #soberface

Me : starts to laugh, Holy Spirit, you sabi chyke babe
Holy Spirit: I love to tease you and you, toast you know I'm not forceful, I only tell you what is best for you"
Me : " So what do you want to tell me?"
Holy Spirit : " I want to remind you about your the revelation of the Knowledge of God you have come to believe in, that is your tool for building and getting results in this season"

He started to explain how in this season ,my focus must be on the Audience of One more, my personal revelation of who God is to me is very key , it would be my secret to giant steps and results I would see in the coming months.

And immediately, I began to go down the memory lane to search out my revelational Knowledge of God. I began to list them out.

One of them is ADUNBARIN (God is sweet to walk with). I've seen how God has turned my little effort into big deals, just by listening to His instructions. He gave me this name in my sleep in 2020, I had just resigned my job and left a relationship, I had nothing to fall back on, I had no body to go to for help, I woke up with the name in my sleep and with tears in my eyes . He said to me " Tolu, Call me ADUNBARIN in this season of your life, I would show you how easy and sweet it is to walk with me". He made every journey sweet, they were not easy journeys, but they were sweet, I saw God every step of the way, He showed up for me and still shows up. The day I knew this word was real in my life and I had lived it so well was when one of my guys that works with me called one morning and said " Sister Tolu, truly your God is ADUNBARIN, I've seen his hand in my life too" . He is still my ADUNBARIN and forever would be, I would pass this name to my generation and probably write a book about "GOD MY ADUNBARIN". I can give you a million and one stories around this revelation. Fam, in this season, God is still my ADUNBARIN.

Another revelation of God I've held unto for years now is "GOD CAN BE TRUSTED". I've even written a post about this sometimes on my blog. I first heard of this from Pst Imisioluwa Owolabi, in one of her meetings" When Friends Pray". The theme for that "When Friends Pray" was YES ( Yielded & Empowered Steward). Pastor Imisi called me out and hugged me very fiercely and we both began to cry and she spoke to my ears in tears, over and over "GOD CAN BE TRUSTED". She repeated it so much that I knew when my spirit caught it and I began to groan in the Spirit saying, I would trust you Lord. Ever since that time, till now, GOD CAN BE TRUSTED, He never lies, He doesn't give you his word to make you feel good, He says it because He can, He doesn't change his mind, He doesn't need your permission to speak His word, He would perform His word with or without you, He keeps vigil over His word to ensure every letter comes to pass. All you need to do is BELIEVE, have FAITH, OBEY His Instructions and you would see RESULTS , you know why? FAITH PREVAILS and every of God Plans has an end. When He gives you a word, there's a timeline already.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

Your revelation of God might not come the way I got mine, it might be in your dreams, it might be while your pastor is preaching, it might be a word you heard somewhere. One thing you would know is that, it would resonate with your spirit, your heart would leap for Joy and you would have peace in your heart concerning the word you got. In this season be sensitive to know the revelation of God you want to run with and build with. Hold unto the word and warfare with it, remind God of his word and I'm certain you would have big results. Don't be carried away by the word of others or by what is not working yet, stay true to the word you got and believe it ,like your life depends on it.

Remember, it a journey of the Audience of one, it is a journey of you and God, hold unto what God has told you and not what He told your friend or spouse. It's only you and God on this journey called life, others are accomplices and you have the Holy Spirit, who is always available to help you through every hurdle and season.

Trust this blessed you? You can share your revelational knowledge of God with me in the comment section. Don't forget to share with your friend and loved ones.

Till I write to you again.

All my love,



  1. Thank you ma so much for this piece. It blessed me in ways I cannot begin to explain. I choose to be sensitive to the Knowledge of the revelation of who God is to me per season.

    Anticipating the next piece ma.


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