
Showing posts from April, 2020


I GOT SACKED Yes, you read right, I just got sacked…#sad… You remember the gist I gave you about my Eureka moment (If you are new here, quickly click here   to read). So, after my Eureka moment, I got clarity on what I should be doing and I wrote them down on paper. I was really excited sincerely and I’m still excited o, don’t get me wrong because that’s one of the best things that has happened to me recently. I wanted to achieve these dreams I wrote down. I pictured them in my head and smile and say to myself, baby girl you are on track. I would even jot down ideas around it per day and draw diagrams for more clarity I then discovered that I started to lose focus on the dreams, I didn’t feel the same vibrations I felt when I had my Eureka moment, but I was telling myself, I’m at the incubation stage, let me not rush it, I visited the book I wrote down the dream every day although only when I felt l


SURVIVE OR THRIVE The world is experiencing a “lockdown”, shutting down most of its operations and ensuring that people stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus called COVID-19. The virus has become the scare of every country in every continent. Even my 3-year-old cousin can explain what COVID-19 is about and the necessary precautions to be taken. Throughout the world, schools, churches, businesses are experiencing this lockdown, most organizations tell their employees to work from home. The religious organization has taken its services to the internet, social media. Some businesses have completely shut down, while some are cashing out on a daily basis. The world as we know, would never become the same again. Everyone is seeking out to digitize what they do, to some of my African folks that believe that Technology is demonic, I wonder how they would cope in this season. There are different theories flying here and there, everyone is trying to have a say in this si


TRUST THE PROCESS, BELIEVE IN THE JOURNEY Process according to the dictionary is a “series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.” Sometimes in 2017, I started believing God for a gift, I desired the gift so much that I decided to embark on a 9 days prayer, fasting and word declaration. I even dedicated a journal to praying out this gift. I wrote confessions, pasted it on my bathroom wall so that every time I’m taking my bath, I’m seeing it and I’m saying it. I believed so much in my heart that I would get the gift. In the later part of that year (2017), I got a fraction of what I was praying for, I was super excited, I was happy like gooosh… this is working so fast. I started to rejoice, I started stewarding the testimony of the fraction I received, I knew I wanted a whole gift, not a fraction, so I still continued to trust God more for the complete gift, I thought since I had the fraction, getting the whole gift would be soon and much easy…#la


MY LIGHTBULB MOMENT...MY EUREKA “ Eureka” not one of my favorite word, in fact, I don’t think I have engaged it in a sentence before, not that I do not know the meaning, it’s just not one of my regular words. Dictionary meaning of EUREKA is “I have found it” or triumphant discovery My Eureka moment wasn’t just a moment guys, it was a journey. Every one of us, at one point or the other, would always be in search of something. It could be love, business breakthrough, financial freedom, etc. My journey of EUREKA started in 2019, I entered into the year with the theme “ My year of new things”, I was very positive about the year, I wanted a new job, a higher pay, I had goals to travel out of the country for vacation, I had bucket lists I wanted to tick off, I had plans to spoil my family and a lot more. By May 2019, I had not achieved any of my goals for the year, again, my phone of two months got stolen, goosshh, I was pained and angrier I had not achieved anything on


NEW BEGINING Hello, world, I'm really excited to be doing this, writing used to be one of my favorites hobbies but I dropped it because of lack of Grit and I got occupied with life but yay!!!! I'm back with the full energy, thanks to the Holy Spirit who is the guidance into all Truth. Allow me to introduce the queen herself, the newest blogger in town, the wife of a king, daughter of a king, the beautiful Damsel that got the world standing right now.. lol... Tolulope Dorcas Olayiwola, also known as AYANFE.  She's presently the Creative Director of AYANFE CREATIONS, a fashion outfit that uses African fabrics to birth culture and values through corporate uniforms and individual Apparel. She is also the principal consultant for SMARTB KONSULT, an HR consulting firm for startups in Africa. She has other expressions such as The Real You ( A conference that is focused on awakening the giants within African girls in secondary schools and tertiary institutions).  T