IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO It takes two to tango, sounds romantic yeah? I know....#smiles. I’ve been in a few relationships and I know what it feels like to be in love. I know how it feels to be loved. I know the feeling of having butterflies and feel all mushy, I know the tingling feeling of love. The ecstatic feeling is amazing. Beyond the mushy feeling, I know how it feels when your lover supports what you do especially when your lover is also your best friend such that you can share everything with him. I know the feeling of acceptance. I understand the power of agreement and collaboration that comes from lovers. I've tried a couple of things in my life, I don’t like to be idle, at every point in my life you would always find me doing something. I remember this particular period of my life, I had just left uni and I didn’t want to go back home and sit idle, I called my best friend, who happens to be my boyfriend at that time, and discussed my concerns with him and he took his think...