
Showing posts from May, 2020


IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO It takes two to tango, sounds romantic yeah? I know....#smiles.  I’ve been in a few relationships and I know what it feels like to be in love. I know how it feels to be loved. I know the feeling of having butterflies and feel all mushy, I know the tingling feeling of love. The ecstatic feeling is amazing. Beyond the mushy feeling, I know how it feels when your lover supports what you do especially when your lover is also your best friend such that you can share everything with him. I know the feeling of acceptance. I understand the power of agreement and collaboration that comes from lovers. I've tried a couple of things in my life, I don’t like to be idle, at every point in my life you would always find me doing something. I remember this particular period of my life, I had just left uni and I didn’t want to go back home and sit idle, I called my best friend, who happens to be my boyfriend at that time, and discussed my concerns with him and he took his think


I LOVE YOU I love you now sounds like a cliché; it seems like it has lost its true value but just like $50 dollars remains $50 irrespective of what you do to it, same goes for the word “I LOVE YOU” My first encounter with the word was when I was in secondary school, junior school to be precise. A boy wrote a letter to me, telling me he loved me and all. I was scared because I wasn’t used to the word, I believed anyone that told me he loved me especially being a guy, wanted to have an affair with me…#rolling eyes…(that was the belief then, don’t judge me). I had to report to a teacher and the teacher took it up and punished the guy. After some time, the guy came back, in fact he came to my house, bought me snacks and earrings just to show how much he loved me. I wasn’t at home at the time the guy came, I went out with my mum and he waited patiently for me to come back, immediately he saw I came in with my mum, he dashed out of our gate but left the snacks and earrings


MY SUGAR DADDY, MY HEARTROBE A sugar daddy is an older man who provides comfort, support, both financially, emotionally, materially for a younger companion. I grew up as a girl who desired to be a daddy’s girl but unfortunately, my dad was always away because of work, business, education. He comes home during weekends, but there was also a business to look after on weekends. The little time he had with us was usually in the evening or when he’s on leave and he comes to pick us from school. Those moments were priceless for me. After a while, I got used to not having to seeing him around, but my mum was always there, she is a teacher so she had a lot of time on her plate. Growing up, she warned me and my elder sister against boys. She would tell us how they can be dangerous and all. She even encouraged that we bring our friends home and warned us against anyone she wasn’t too comfortable around. She would even advise some of them when they come around. One


JUST SHOW UP I know the title sounds like a cliché but please stay with me… I got sad news during the week about a classmate of mine from uni who died on Sunday. He was healthy on Saturday but died on Sunday. His death took me a little aback and got me to reflect on a lot of things and I began asking my closest friend (Holy Spirit) some questions and one of the questions I asked Him was “How can I intentionally live my best life each day?” and He said to me “Tolu Just Show up” and in my head I’m like show up where? And then I started to plunge further to get more understanding and this scripture from the Bible dropped in my spirit "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. " Jeremiah 1:5 There was something in the heart of God when He created you. There was an assignment that had your name attached to it and He made everything complete before you were born. He understo


.....LIGHT OUT..... I never for once stayed in a hostel, even while in the university…to those rolling eyes at me, I see you…#tongue out. Well,3 weeks NYSC camp gave me the experience (NYSC is National Youth Service Corps. A system for which Nigerian youth serve their fatherland for 1 year in Nigeria). Anyway, it is not about who went to the hostel or not but the outcome of the child. Light out is a popular term used in boarding houses to get students to sleep at a particular time and probably say their personal prayers before drifting to bed. I remember growing up, we didn’t really have a specific time we go to bed in my family but after dinner and prayers, we all retire to our rooms to sleep. My mum always switches off the light. There was this sweet I loved then, “Lemon Plus” I would always hide them in the corner of my bed so that when the light goes off, I would start to lick and chew them #coveringface… I always looked forward to light out because it was my own mo