

  Hello fam, I know it's been like forever but I just needed to put this out here, I can't keep it to myself.  I know I've written something similar to this before, but this experience is different. I've tried to give it another title but no other title can do justice other than God can be Trusted.  Sometimes in 2020, when I felt led to resign my job to start Adire(I've shared the story on my blog) I didn't argue but I wasn't so sure how it was all going to turn out but I trusted the voice I heard, some months after, I had my afternoon nap which is so unlike me, I woke up and I heard in this season call me ADUNBARIN (God is sweet to walk with). I held unto that name like I knew no other name, I used it to pray, used it on my status, it soon became my mantra.  Months after I got ADUNBARIN, things became very tough, I was broke, I didn't know how to go about the Adire Business, I had never done it before, didn't know whether to go into casuals, fabrics


  This week for me has been all sort of "amazing". The way I have worried my brain ehn, I had over thinking syndrome, calculated every of my thoughts, I even thought on God's behalf, it was really stressful. I don't think I ever want to be in this position again. Someone said "even your thought of God is still human". I know it is easy to slip into control and calculative mood , especially when you are expectant about something and it's been long overdue and you've done all you think you should have done as a human being, the best place to be is just to constantly, consistently and intentionally hand over it all to God, each time you get to that control mood, just say " Holy Spirit, I'm here again o, Help me, I hand over this situation/ person to you. Take the wheels from my hands" . And you don't do this once and move on, you must always do it each time you are feeling overwhelmed, you can as well switch into praise, dance


  Hey fam, thank you for your consistent support and feedbacks. I feel so honored doing life with you all. Fam, can you believe that the initial post I was going to post didn't save, I took my laptop to edit, only for me to realize that it was just the title that got saved. I was so pained and decided I wasn't going to write anything again, I would just edit one of those I wrote earlier in the week but it didn't jell with me, so I reluctantly, started to write again and this sweet sleep came , I became sleepy and I just heard a whisper from the Holy Spirit and then we began to have a conversation. Holy Spirit : " Are you not hungry ? " Me "Yes".. Holy Spirit : " Why don't you go downstairs and find something to eat" . Me: "ok" Goes downstairs, and got something to eat and sleep left my eyes #soberface Me : starts to laugh, Holy Spirit, you sabi chyke babe Holy Spirit: I love to tease you and you, toast you know I'm


  Hello Beautiful family, it's 2022... Whooosh, Happy New year... I know it's been like forever, so much has happened, so much gist to catch you up with, so many testimonies, so many mistakes,  lots of beautiful memories and most importantly , so many lessons. 2021 was indeed a year, a year I had to grow and mature fast and a year with so much lessons, yes, it was a tough year but that is how we grow, yeah? And we move. I know its a new year  and lots of people already have new year resolutions and the likes, the vision boarders have done their vision boards, prophecies have also gone ahead, I'm definitely not against all of these, but what is most important to me is YOU. What is your YOU goals, all of the results you want to achieve is based on who you are and who you become. Make your YOU growth a priority more than the results, the results you see in your life are proof of the growth and the inputs you have invested in your self. So make YOU important, YOU in your spirit


 Hey Fam, how have you all been? Trust you've been great, I know I've not been very consistent with my writing, I've been up to a lot and all happening at the same time. But I promise to do better. For a while now, I've been hearing the word "Show up", I even had to go back to my one of my writing "Just show up" and I asked myself, why should I go back to write about showing up but I realized that it is a message my brain must get used to. Some months back, I was privileged to be part of an amazing organization that has fast tracked my growth by 1000%. There was this particular day, we  were asked to meet for a physical meeting as against the usual virtual meeting we've been having, I didn't feel like it at all. I was too tired to leave my house but I told myself to try to go that I won't be long to come back home. When I got to the venue, I still didn't see the reason for me showing up, after like an hour, I didn't know when  sta


Dear Tolulope, I write to you today with humble admiration and with so much joy in my heart. I  am so thankful for  you. I'm so inspired by your growth. I'm just very thankful of you . God is indeed very kind to you. Remember, how you started the journey of awareness, remember how clueless you were? You had no idea of how the journey would look like but you chose hunger. I saw how you were so hungry for more. You just wanted more and you pursued with endless passion, perseverance and courage. I remember days when you almost gave up and then you would journal the experience and keep going. I saw how you trusted God like that was your last resort. You pursued him with reckless abandon and you chose Obedience over comfort. I am so proud of you Tolulope. I am writing to you today to tell you how pretty you are,  you are pretty not because you are beautiful you are pretty because you are aware of your existence and you daily live your life intentionally. Tolulope Ayanfe as you fondl


  Fam, aren't you all amazing? Thank you for all the love, feedbacks and comments on my previous post, I was really elated to read from you all. Thank you for your support and love, it is the fuel that keeps me going. My proposal came not as a surprise, at the same time it was not something I prepared for. I knew something was coming but I couldn't place it, I knew something would hit me that would change my life and cause a rapid shift to my becoming, but I didn't know how or when. In my last post, I mentioned how I started the year clueless without having an idea about how the year would unfold, I was just sure I had God and I knew He would definitely order my steps, I was certain I can't miss it anymore at this phase of my life. So, after I said my goodbyes, I knew it was time for me to embrace the new me knocking at the door of my becoming. I knew I was to accept the invitation, but I also felt I needed certain level of preparation to accept the invitation. One fate